

リーダーにとって大切なことは、すべて課長時代に学べる はじめて部下を持った君に贈る62の言葉 [ 酒巻久 ]













"What is important for the leader is the 62 words that you give to you who have a subordinate for the first time to learn in the section chief's era" Hisashi Sakamaki


· Understand your boss's idea, work accordingly and report frequently
→ My boss does not understand me myself, I analyze my boss and understand and go out with me


· In dive sales in general, even if you visit 100 places, the closing rate is at most 1%, but if you introduce people and you operate directly, it is said to jump up to about 50% at once. It is a job to sell a lot of sales, no matter how much it can be done, there is nothing to worry about The purpose of the work is "to put out the result", not "to produce results while observing your pride"
→ Sales efficiency is significantly different.


· "People map" People who know well their own good hands and get people to utilize name management


· Observation note

→ It is necessary to observe what kind of person the person is


· Soft landing

→ Do not suddenly take a big break after a big job. I gradually reduce my work. Mental stability.


→ What is your significance and what can you do?