

金持ち父さん貧乏父さん改訂版 アメリカの金持ちが教えてくれるお金の哲学 ロバート・T.キヨサキ






Rich Dad Poor Dad Revised Version Philosophy of money that the rich American teaches us [Robert T. Kiyosaki]

"The key to becoming wealthy lies in the ability to turn earned incomes into labor incomes or portfolio incomes as quickly as possible"

I want to become wealthy → I have to work a lot all the time ... not,
I want to become wealthy → I will try to think as much as possible to increase my money as much as possible.

By the way, portfolio income is the distribution of financial products etc.

Think about how you can periodically increase the dividend of stocks, distribution of benefits and investment trusts.

If it is 5 million, it will be about 150 thousand if it does not do everything with dividend money every month. Even if I do not do anything if this is 10 million, 50 million .... Transit to portfolio income when entering income early, so ASAP (eisappu)❗